Elf Envy: Random Round Up

Fun stuff for ya from around the kidlitosphere:

Read Kelly Herold’s excellent review of Tamar, by Mal Peet. Great crossover material. This one was one of my favourite reads last year. I like this cover a lot better though:

Jen Robinson offers up a deliciously creepy book trailer for S.A. Bodeen’s, The Compound. (I’ve got this ARC gosh darn it. So why haven’t I read it yet?)

I’m happy to have discovered another cool reading blog: People Reading. You’ll find lots of posts in which the blogger interviews random people about the books they’re reading. Fun! Thanks to The Well Read Child for the link.

For teachers out there, you’ll appreciate a peek into great spaces for student learning in other people’s classrooms over at A Year of Reading. Nifty round up idea. I’d love to see more!

Given the news of late, The Ya Ya Yas have compiled a list of titles connected to teen pregnancy. Worth knowing about.

Read about one Very Cool Librarian. Thanks to Siobhan of The Longstockings for that link.

And speaking of those Longstockings… Caroline Hickey’s new book, Isabelle’s Boyfriend was released this week. Congrats to her. I enjoyed her first book, Cassie Was Here, during Cybils season last year.

Done and done.

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