SMART List #6: Lauren Child is absolutely and always forever a favorite

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Exhausted after a mere 24 hours of auntie-ness, I feel it is the moment to praise the sheer perfection of just about everything Lauren Child comes up with (hence the initiation of a new category: “Brit Hits”). Yes, I am a tad disappointed by the commercialization of little Lola, but I have to admit, if I were 5 years old, a Charlie and Lola haircut sticker book would be the essence of cool, and most of the time, Child still gets it smack on with the funny stuff. Besides, once you look beyond all of the Charlie and Lola craziness to the rest of her work, you see she’s no one-trick pony. (List arranged roughly according to age appeal – younger to older readers).

I will not ever NEVER eat a tomato

I am not sleepy and I will not go to bed

I am too absolutely small for school

That Pesky Rat

What Planet are you from Clarice Bean?

My Uncle is a Hunkle says Clarice Bean

Hubert Horatio Bartle Bobton-Trent

The Princess and the Pea

Utterly Me Clarice Bean (chapter book series)

Lauren Child has a newish website – many sections are still in the works. The design of her bio page is brilliant and hilarious. Go directly to Official Lauren Child Website.

Why oh why does it seem like some people possess the creativity that should rightfully be shared by 50 of the rest of us? The world is cruel.

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