SQUEEEE! Check out my new banner!


Translation: that is the sound that one over-the-moon-with-happiness elf makes when she has just received a gorgeous new blog banner created by none other than:



That’s Jeremy Tankard, much-acclaimed Canadian author/illustrator extraordinaire. You know, the guy who created this:


and this:


and this (soon-to-be-released) treat:


And guess what? Guess what makes this even nicer than nice? Jeremy created my banner in exchange for a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Yes, that’s right. (I do make great chocolate cookies, and it is going to be a VERY large batch, but even so).

Now don’t go getting any ideas. A man only needs so many chocolate chip cookies.

Thank you, thank you, thank you Jeremy! I have the snazziest banner in the kidlitosphere, if I do say so myself. I wonder how many times a girl can visit her own blog in one night, just to look at it (and still be normal)?

19 thoughts on “SQUEEEE! Check out my new banner!

  1. jocelyn

    That’s fantastic! I love it. That IS the snazziest banner in the kidlitosphere. Any normal person would be visiting the page over and over!

  2. Talula

    Cool Beans! What a treat for you and Jeremy, both! I have also traded Choc Chip cookies for favors from folks, how funny! Yours must be super delicious with a special ingredient to warrant such a perfectly suited graphic for you blog!

  3. Dragon Lady

    Lovely, she looks exactly like you, but I think your ears are a little more pointed! If Jerermy can’t eat all the cookies, you know where you can drop them off!

  4. BooksAreMyThingz

    What a wonderful chocolate chip cookie recipe this must be! Can you share it? You never know when an author, illustrator, or speaker can be entranced by cookies and agree to appear for free or almost free, or create a cool banner!

  5. shelfelf Post author

    It is an AWESOME recipe. However, in case I ever do decide to open my own cookie cafe (which I might do, if I win millions), I cannot reveal my secret. I will say, however, that the dough rests in the fridge overnight and that this little trick will enhance just about any choc chip recipe. The flavours deepen and the texture is dramatically improved if you leave it overnight. Try that!

  6. Marjorie

    It is indeed a gorgeous banner – I think the little bear is waiting to get his hands on a book!

    And, being based in the UK, (well, I’m using that as my excuse, anyway!) I haven’t come across Grumpy Bird – I think I’ll have to go and seek it out!

  7. Pingback: Cookies for Art… the Dramatic Conclusion « Shelf Elf: read, write, rave.

  8. Pingback: Sherri L. Smith on Flygirl « The YA YA YAs

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