Catching Fire Envy and Tidbits to Quell Impatience…

OK, I am trying to be all grown up and non-pouty faced and full of good wishes for those bloggers out there who have scored ARCs of this:


Honestly. I. Am. Trying.

But I have never been good at patience. I have, however, always been pretty good at envy. Aside from an ARC of Kristin Cashore’s new book, Fire (which I don’t have, BTW, but I won’t get started about that too…), I have never wanted a sneak peek of a book more than I do with Catching Fire.

But it’s not looking likely (*sniffle, sniffle*). So… instead I present a few of tidbits that might help you (and me) to stay patient a little while longer. Like, until September 1st, 2009.

Scholastic has launched “The Burning Question,” a cool opportunity for readers to ask Suzanne Collins a question about the series. 3 questions will be selected and answered. Awesome.

Jacket Whys has put together a wonderful post filled with Catching Fire-related links. Neat seeing the different covers from around the globe.

Educating Alice describes what it was like when the envelope with the mockingjay on it arrived in the mail. (jealous jealous jealous…)

Then there’s this: Librarilly Blonde’s photographs of the very envelope containing her ARC (envy envy envy…)

I have to stop now, because in searching for further links I have discovered more and more uber-lucky bloggers who have scored ARCs of this book, and I don’t think I can continue to torture myself.

Hurry up September 2009.

8 thoughts on “Catching Fire Envy and Tidbits to Quell Impatience…

  1. L.

    I’m sympathetic! If I hadn’t already promised a long line of people after myself, I’d offer to send it to you… I’m done!
    Thanks for the link.

  2. Dragon Lady

    I have a copy and have put you third in line, don’t worry Vikki and Ashley are fast. I’m even letting you read it before me! Will phone as soon as they are finished.

  3. ugh, this sucks!!!

    The first night I read the hunger games I read till my eyes were burning! And by the end I was nearly into tears. I NEVER EVER want this series to end! I’m crazy jealous and I can’t wait to get my hands all over catching fire come september, and yet again, I’ll probaly stay up until I finish nearly in tears. I SWEAR IM ALREADY ON THE EDGE OF SANITY!!!!!

  4. Bell

    OMG!!!how did u get a copy?!?!?!!???? i’ve been trying for a whie.and sept is so close now.the wait is excruciating,isnt it???

  5. Myne

    OMG! It’s been so long and i still haven’t gotten my copy 😦 It isnt available where i live yet……
    *collapses and sobs eyes out*
    Anyone knows where i can read it online????

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